First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Monday, February 21, 2011

Busy weekend!

We had SUCH a great weekend! Friday night we laid low, Saturday morning we met Grandpa Ron and Grandma Vicki out for breakfast, and Mr. Gunner got to go spend some time over there with them! I was talking to Justin and it's so funny how  he is only 8 months old, but when we picked him up, I could see in his face that he had a really good time! While he was enjoying is time with grandma and grandpa, Justin and I started the horrible process of packing up the house, man, we may need a dumpster! haha we just have so much stuff! After grandpa's,  we went to a birthday party for our friends Keri and Travis's daughter  Brooke who turned 9! It was at grandslam and it was SO much fun as usual!
Watching bumper cars with dad! He was so bug eyed, there were so many little kiddos running around
Alittle help from mommy on the bouncy!
Trav is so funny, Brooke just walked up to him and said, "I'm going to put cake in your face" and he said..."ok" so this is what happend! ha!

Ya know you let his eyes wander for one minute and he is already picking up a shorty, this is Jayda, she is also 8 months old born only a week after Gunner, she was too cute, giving him all sorts of kisses, Gunner still played it cool, maybe he'll call her.. maybe not.. Hahaha!

So the Next day, G-man went to spend the night at nana's(he is obviously excited), we had a much needed date! I had gotten Justin Gopher/Hawkeye wrestling tickets for Christmas, and I had never been to a dual before, I did not know ANYTHING about wrestling! We hit up BWW right by Williams Arena before the dual ofcourse, (bonless spicy there anything else?) I learnt SO much about wrestling! I even found myself jumping out of my chair in excitment! It was so great, and now I can finally see myself as a wrestling mom (if thats what Gunner wants to do!) I encourge you if you have never seen a dual, you should check it out! It was way different then I thought.

This is Jay Robinson, he coached Justin briefly at the U and was honored that day for 25 years of excellence! pretty cool!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sick Boy

My baby was so sick last week! I think it was scarier for myself and Justin then for him! He was his same old happy self, just really cuddly, and sleepy. Poor guy, it started on Tuesday, couldn't keep anything in either end, and I saw him throw up for the first time, it was so scary and the look on his face... he was so confused he had no idea what had happened! Sunday he finally started to feel better and yesterday was the first full normal day he had in a week! WOW, that little bugger we are so glad to have our Gunny back!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Basketball and Bartending

 We Surprised our cousin Tae at his basketball  game the other weekend! We were SO, impressed! You should have  seen his defense! I am a proud auntie! We also got to see Madi ofcourse, cousin Greta and Nana!  Tae had quite the crowd!

 I'm open I'm open!
 you little sneaks! "Gunner, try this, everyone is doing it"
 "Well if everyone is doing it........... oh my god, this is amazing"
 Later that night we met some friends at Broadway for some pizza........
 and beer....
"it's no big deal guys, but, I totally got to work the bar"
We had an awesome weekend! Thanks everyone!