First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

OUTSIDE??? What is that and why is it so much fun?

OK... FIRST, I am so sorry it has taken so long for me to blog, we have been trying to get packed to move, and close on the house, and keep up with Gunner :) We finally got to go play outside for the first time last weekend, we had a BLAST, and could not believe how tired we all were after being outside all day! Justin got most of the outside stuff packed up,and ready to move, and Gunner and I practiced walking, played in the dirt and cheered on daddy...

OK OK OK Where am I and WHY does the wind feel so good through my mohawk?

Mom.. didn't you fix your camera yet I look all fuzzy...

Cruzing, he decided to finally learn to crawl..... after learning to walk

Daddy's toy ... and Gunny's toy

Just they guys, feelin the breeze....

Getting dirty... and snacking on gravel

smiley boy

I like to think that Bo is protecting Gunner

Dig in Mommy!
We had a great weekend, and it was simply beautiful outside! we can't wait for summer!
pictures of the house to come soon!