First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

 Annual Moen Labor day camping! One of our favorite weekends of the year! It is so much fun to watch Gunner run around with all his cousins and play in the dirt! we had just a blast, the theme this year was redneck, so in true schumacher fashion, Justin had 3 wardrobe changes!
 Sadle up Gunny here we go!
 Justin went down to Nashville a couple weeks ago where his Mom lives, they gave us their old motorhome because it had been sitting for a good 5 years! Justin and his step dad spent DAYS working on it to get it fixed, then it took them 25 hrs to get it up here instead of 15 because they broke down 3 times... anyways THANK YOU so much because camping was a breeze with two babies because of it! I really don't know what we would have done without it!
 Costume 1... SHITTERS FULL
 Just ridiculous

 Nana and buggy!
 Gabby just hanging out with the girls, doing girl things I'm sure
 So this picture would have been PRICELESS....ya know daddy teaching Gunny how to hit the ball, but instead it's cousin Eddie teaching Gunner how to play ball
 SUCH a cute action shot all the kids just having a blast!
 Why yes, I will have a silo of coors from your holster......

 My Love Bugs all toasty before bed!
 Chunker playing with nana in the sand :)
 THe last day we were there it was finally nice enough to swim, so Jusitn and I ,uncle Luke auntie Mel and uncle Spank took Greta Gunner and Gabby swimming, very fun because Gunner used to be scared of the water so it's nice to see him enjoy it finally!

 melts my heart, Gabby with her arm around Mel!

Another one for the record books, and incase you were wondering, Jenny and I were not the ones who t.p the tents and campers....

Schumacher fourth and Grandma Laura's visit

We did the tradition of the Schumacher fourth of July up at Bay Lake in Brainerd! Thank you Jim and Ness for the awesome time! This year was the 25th year! Every year it's themed different, some examples are Carnival, Olympics, Soap box derby,  Neon, minute to win it,   it goes on and on!  We look forward to it every year!

 there are competitions for both the kids and adults

 Ness and Gabs
 boys talking about boy stuff... ya know cars, weather, beer.....
 Gunner doing what Gunner does best, chasing a ball!
 They also put on their own fireworks show! it turns out so good every year. they compete with a cabin across the lake!
 POOPED, heading to bed with grandpa.
 Justin's mom also came up from Tenesee that week I had only met her once before and she had not met the kids yet! It was so relaxing we had BEAUTIFUL weather, so we just sat on the porch, played with the kids, and shot our bb guns at targets! It was SO great to see her and get to know her a little better! now only if we lived closer....

 Helping Daddy load the bb gun

 Thanks daddy!

 Hahaha! such a tiny lady, Justin taught her how to drive my dads skid loader, just another day at the schumachers!
 I bet this little shit he couldn't hit the cap of the milk jug in 8 trys, and if he did he could get a tractor in the next year.... ofcourse, never challenge justin to anything because he will make sure it happens! maybe I should bet him he can't go buy me a small puppy???
GREAT week! this is so what summer is all about!


Now that summer has slowed down, Gabriel is getting a little older and Gunny is a little more independent, I finally have a little more time to blog! I can't believe looking at my last post how long it's been! Things have definatly changed, we have a new house, new baby and Gunner is just cruising everywhere! Here are bits and peices of whats been happening :)
 Gabriel Lynn Schumacher born 5/11/11 2:20pm
 Welcome home beautiful!
 Nana took care of Gunner while we were at the hospital, we only were there for just over 24hrs, we couldn't wait to get her home!
* Our New Home *

 Gunner has taken to Gabby so well! He kisses her hugs her loves her and gets a little jealous when Justin has her because they are so close, but he is a good big brother! not quite big enough to Help but he sure trys!
 Gunner turned 1!!!! June 1 20011
 We threw him a barnyard party,  we had such good time awesome friends and family came out, we did mud truck rides, cupcakes, fire , keg.. because who doesn't have a keg at a first birthday, pinata, and we had so much help from our family so thank you for all who made it!
 Grandpa's :)
 our beautiful new family, It doesn't get much better then what we were blessed with!
Sweet Gabby Lynn

 Daddy's girl
 Mama's boy

                                        Sorry it's been so long hope you are caught up!