First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Saturday, October 30, 2010

5 guys and a lady

  First comes love.....
 Then comes marriage.....
Then comes the baby in the baby carriage....

Ok ,ok , ok ....So maybe we didn't do it in that exact order, but somehow we stumbled upon this crazy, beautiful life we have together!As my family would say, " It just wouldn't be you if there wasn't a little bit of chaos!" My sister Mel talked me into doing this blog , and I am FINALLY getting around to doing it!

      So first there is Justin and I, which we couldn't agree more that we came to eachother at perfect times in our lives, which brings me to my little  buddy Gunner Joseph Schumacher, who was born on June 1st, 2010. Again...he couldn't have blessed us at a better time! He definatly keeps us laughing!
So your thinking, there has to be a reason we call this The Schumacher ranch, well first, we have Bo our english mastif , Luke, our great dane , Boss hog, our teacup pot belly pig(who definatly challenges us at times) and Daisy and Dori, our Netherland dwarf bunnies! Someday we aspire to have goats and chickens, but I think maybe this is a good start!

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