First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas #1..Schumacher edition

 Gunners First present!
 Thanks for the help grandma!
 Introduction to the NEWEST member of the clan, Kip! he is a doll , such pudgy cheeks it's adorable!
 Lucky little boy!
 Keith and Michelle's oldest, so sweet!
 They boys, just hanging out probably talking about us crazy adults!

 He just can't figure out why this guy is smaller then him!
 Justin's "backboard"! ok to explaing this one, we had a competition to compete for an automatic car starter(which was soooo generous! thank you grandpa and grandma!) So Justin represented us as a couple, and competed in the cookie game that is featured in minute to win it! It is not only hilarious to watch, but so much fun to play! you start with a cookie on your forhead and have to get it into your mouth using only your face muscles, and all this has to be done in a minute! Justin won against Keith in the first round of bracket play, went on and lost to pretty auntie katie in the finals.. CONGRATS katie! :) Justin bought me one for Christmas though! so we are still spoiled...or I am... :)

 Katie and Amy
                                                                Keith and Justin
We spent Friday the 17th celebrating Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Schumacher, and it was SO fun, and we didn't want the night to be over, so we ended up staying pretty late, but it's so nice chatting with the family, playing games, and ofcourse, having a few drinks!

Getting Ready for Christmas!

 Poor kid!
                             Waiting to see santa! I kept asking him if he was nervous but, he played it cool!
 This day was the first try to see santa...too long... had a meltdown...
 We thought it was kind of funny that all the other kids were in their special Christmas outfits, and Gunner was is his jersey...we bleed purple.. I think santa appreciated it!
 My boys were so nice they drove me to work in that BIG snow storm... Probably so the could flirt with all the ladies, but Gunner was too pooped when we got there!
 Mommy's helper.... I mean drool stains on the paper are ok right?

 Gunner and I helped papa decorate his tree :) We had a lot of fun having alone time with papa!

Green Beans Anyone??????

Check out Gunners love for green beans....(it's a love hate thing)

Daddy is already teaching him tricks....

I think he's got it handled :)

Grandpa Schumacher

We went for a visit to grandpa Schumacher and grandma Vicki's house! (where Gunny gets spoiled  rotten and just loves every minute!) He got to hang with Branson too, who he just adores and I assume will someday find some trouble to get into with! Just look at those sweet faces who can just get away with anything......for now.....

                                                                       I LOVE this picture!