First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Holidays???? Halloween/Thanksgiving/ Christmas/ and New Years :)

So Halloween...
The weekend before Halloween we met my Mom and Bob, Tae and Madi,  and the Leonards at the corn maze in Otsego! It was a TON of fun hopefully it can be our new tradition! Greta was a Cupcake, Tae and madi were Wolverine and Batman, Gunny was a Lion, and Gabs was a fluffy smiley chicken!

Cracks me up everytime!

 For Thanksgiving we kept things really low key and decided to host and make our VERY first Tanksgiving dinner. Luke and Papa Kevin made it out! We decided to make this tradition and start having silo decorating and bonfire after the meal! Fthe pack had been on our chalk board for weeks, but we left it on there, thought it would put us in the holiday spirit ;)
 The bird! We deep fried our little friend here, I gotta tell ya, I wouldnt do it any other way now.. Delicious!
                                                               The master!

 Our tree this year(which Schu was pulled over on his way home from getting, I mean.. who pulls over a guys with a Christmas tree.. he wasn't even speeding!) anyway I sent him by himself so it was 9 1/2 ft  tall "go big or go home" I guess!

 Christmas at Nana's! we go bowling every year it is an absolute blast! the kids bowl and nana does prizes!

 Mel's got the touch:) so sweet!

 Went to go see Santa, Gunner thought it was great and it definatly did not phase Gabby! (in our vikings gear ofcourse)
 Christmas at papa's, church for Gunny was a disaster, Gabby did well, and we all had an awesome time as usual!
                                                                           the lovely ladies

We went to the Schumachers Christmas day, SO much fun great food great company! I dont have pictures because i dont' want to be the strange one taking pics all day! Hope you all had an awesome Christmas!
 For new years  we went out the friday before with the Schumacher cousins to the Gear Daddies concert as you can see I had to silos of coors in one hand.... it was fun...I think!

 It had been a long time since Justin and I had been out like that! (obviously)
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. YAY you updated!!!!!!! :) Love the pictures and the updates and love you guys!!!
