First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas at Nana's

We had our Christmas at Nana's place, it was SO fun we all got there in the afternoon tryed out their new Wii, talked drank and ate a ton of good food! We also decided to go up to the bowling alley and have a little tournament!  Ofcourse Justin won both games and Sara and I competed to not be in last place! I think even the kiddos beat us ! haha! Anyway, we went back to the house opened gifts and ate some more! we had a blast and are so lucky to have the family we do!

Madi and Luke


We are all a little competitive sooooo.... why not put a bowling tourny in the mix with Christmas?

Gunner and his Nana, spoiled spoiled spoiled :)

If your gonna drink Gunner... atleast drink a good beer...

The Cousins :) except madi.... this is not the last time we will see this!

Gifts gifts and more gifts, we are all so lucky, Nana is so generous and sweet!

pooped in uncle greg's lap

OMG.... :)

Greta sharing her boogies with uncle Justin

Then Christmas #3 we had the following day in Alexandria with the moen's, it was so good to see everyone, it doesn't happen as often anymore

My godfather Timmy and Gunner

poooooooooopppppeeeed out on nana's lap! 3 GREAT GREAT GREAT Christmas's in one weekend!

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