First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gunners 1st thanksgiving

 Happy Turkey Day! We spent the day at papa Kevin's it was a very relaxing thanksgiving with wonderful  company! we got to see all
Gunny's aunties, uncles and cousins on mom's side!
 Spent some MUCH needed time with auntie Sara, it had been way too long!

                                And ofcourse he LOVED it and LOVED pulling her hair out!
 Cousin Tae papa and Mel
 The boys love jenga! they even got papa to play:)
 Justin had him LAUGHING so hard for uncle Luke!
                                             Cousin Greta and Uncle Luke up to no good!

 I think this is where Greta's night took a turn, she first got into some markers, which was acctually really really funny because she just wanted a mustache, I think uncle Luke was the culpret, then she had the munchies for a little desert she helped her self to.........

Some sour cream and onion chips :)
Gunner was getting sleepy and got to snuggle by abbey and papa before we left :) What a lucky dude!!!
 AAAANNNNDDDD she kept at it, I'm glad I didn't have to change her diapers after thanksgiving diner with Sour cream and onion chips for desert with a green mustache!:) the little stink got us all worried to when she took a nose dive off her chair into  the coffee table! I think all of our hearts sank but she is a tough girl and didn't even have a scratch! WE WERE ALL VERY THANKFUL FOR THAT!
On black Friday, Gunner got to spend time with Grandpa Ron Grandma Vicki, Pretty auntie Katie, and cousin Branson! mom and dad got to do a little shopping, dad almost bought a 73" tv, which I think is totally unecessary but I'm a girl so what do I know? :) He had so much fun and was so happy to spend time with them! I have to get better at taking pictures over there!! They wore him out so much he slept till almost 7am compared to his usual 4:30 or 5! maybe i need to send him over there more often?:) We had a great weekend thank you to all our family!

1 comment:

  1. Greta was hilarious wasn't she, hahaha! She was living it up...too funny!

    Such a great Thanksgiving! We love you guys!!!
