First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend with Nana

 Gunner is such a lucky boy he got to have a sleepover with cousin Greta at Nana's house!
 They even got to go visit great grandma Pat and Grandpa Dale
 I guess Gunny just LOVED papa Dale!Which is just so sweet! We all love our papa
 Greta Bug is such a good big Cousin!
 Gooodmoooorrrrrniiinnng! Hes the Happiest in the mornings :)
 And the afternoons......
 And in the evenings :).... I am a lucky mommy!
 Game day...I'm pretty sure they are discussing the game plan here.. Papa would be proud!
Awww, we love our nana, we had a great weekend!!!! Thank you!!
Of course Justin and I were exciting as usual being that we had a sitter... BWW and went to bed early :)we DEFININATLY appreciated it!


  1. cute!! and the Vikes had a big win! :) You had to be even more excited.

  2. I think Greta had a BLAST with Gunner! She keeps saying his name and thinks every baby is Gunner. Haha, too cute! She loves her cousin!

    Had SO much fun with you guys yesterday...BIG win for the Vikes!!!

  3. PS I love your captions Jay! :)
