First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage???

Monday, November 29, 2010

Naked Baby and New Adventures

 I think every mom is entitled to have a collage of her naked baby for the world to see so.... here it is :)

 Mommy you are SO embarassing!
 ......But I just love being naked soooo much!
 Being that his 6month birthday is just acouple days away, we are trying to conqure the spoon feeding!He was NOT a fan at first but we kept trying and trying and now instead of all of it ending up on his bib, only about half does! He is just eating rice ceral now, but baby food starts this week! Bring on the mushed veggies! :) (and the challange of daring daddy to try them all!)
 not QUITE sure mom...

Full tummied man! He is such a big boy! As of a couple weeks ago he has started  rolling over, which is just so exciting for us! Dad was the first one to see it and I wasn't able to witness it until Thanksgiving at papa's where auntie Mel and cousin greta were there to cheer him on! It seems easy for him when he wants to do it but that is definatly only when he feels like it!

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